hongkongdoll sex 好意思国“灰色地带”网站:好意思国政府、北约、军火商为你提供针对中国的“将就作事”故事,是在鼓动冷战公关
“Forced labor”stories on China brought to you by US gov, NATO, arms industry to drive Cold War PR blitz 好意思国政府、北约、军火商为你提供针对中国的“将就作事”故事hongkongdoll sex,是在鼓动冷战公关
A new wave of media reports on Chinese forced labor relies almost entirely on a series of dubious studies by purportedly “independent” think tanks backed by the West’s military-intelligence apparatus. 一系列关联中国“将就作事”的媒体报说念险些透澈依赖于由西方军事谍报机构支握的“落寞”智库所作念的一系列可疑酌量。
By Ajit Singh 作家:阿基特•辛格(Ajit Singh)
A recent surge in stories in the Western press accuse China of implementing an oppressive program of “forced labor” against the country’s Uyghur Muslim ethnic minority. The titanic crime China is accused of has been called “Xinjiang’s new slavery.” This alleged coercive system is said to encompass more than 80,000 laborers and implicate the supply chains of 83 global brands, including Apple, Amazon, Nike, BMW, Gap, Samsung, Sony, and Volkswagen. 西方媒体最近对于中国将就维吾尔族穆斯林作事的报说念激增。 中国被指控犯下枢纽罪过,媒体称其为“新疆新型奴隶制”。 据称有80,000多名工东说念主受到触及。苹果、亚马逊、耐克、良马、盖璞、三星、索尼和群众等83个全球品牌的供应链被卷入其中。
Featured in Western news outlets from Foreign Policy to the Washington Post to Democracy Now!, the reports rely on a series of questionable studies by purportedly “independent, nonpartisan” think tanks and crank experts backed by the West’s military-intelligence apparatus. Building upon the dubious but endlessly repeated claims that China is detaining millions of Uyghurs Muslims, these studies argue that “forced labor” is the “next step” in China’s tyrannical campaign against the ethnic minority. 《打法政策》、《华盛顿邮报》、《当今民主!》等多家西方媒体均报说念了此事,这些报说念依赖于由西方军事谍报机构支握的“落寞、无党派”智库和乖癖巨匠所作念的一系列可疑酌量。 中国关押百万维吾尔族穆斯林的说法很可疑但却被约束重迭。这些酌量在此基础上指出,中国“下一步”对少数民族执行的暴政即是“强制作事”。
The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) and Washington, DC-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) are the main institutions responsible for the forced labor studies. The reports have also relied heavily on an evangelical religious fanatic billed as the “leading expert” on Xinjiang, Adrian Zenz, who has said he is “led by God” on a “mission” against China. 澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)和总部位于华盛顿特区的好意思国国际策略酌量中心(CSIS)是开展强制作事酌量的主要机构。这些答复的主要依据则来自于一个被宣传为“驰名涉疆巨匠”的福音派宗教狂热者郑国恩(Adrian Zenz),他称 “神授予了他反华职责”。
A close look at the reports churned out by these bodies reveal serious biases and credibility gaps that Western media willfully ignores in its bid to paint China as the world’s worst human rights violator. 仔细稽察这些机构发布的答复,就会发现其存在严重偏见且枯竭果真度,西方媒体在将中国描画为全球东说念主权情状最恶运国度时,有利忽略了这极少。
Both ASPI and CSIS are right-wing, militaristic think tanks funded by US and Western governments, mega-corporations, and an eye-popping array of weapons manufacturers. As previously reported by The Grayzone, Adrian Zenz is a far-right fundamentalist Christian whose questionable but incendiary accusations against China have led to the Western press crowing him as the leading international “expert” on Xinjiang. Zenz’s most recent claims of “forced labor” were published by a “journal” founded and managed by US and NATO military operatives. 澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)和好意思国国际策略酌量中心(CSIS)王人是由好意思国和西方政府、大财团和庞杂的兵器制造商资助的右翼军事智库。正如“灰色地带”先前报说念的那样,郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)是位极右翼原教旨主义基督徒,他对中国那些可疑但极具挑动性的指控使得西方媒体推奖他为国际涉疆“巨匠”里的领军东说念主物。他对“强制作事”的最新办法是由好意思国和北约军事东说念主员创办和运营的“杂志”发表的。
Main sources in this story, which is part of a wider Cold War PR blitz: -ASPI, a "think tank" run by Australia's Defense Department -Adrian Zenz, a far-right End Timer from the US-backed Victims of Communism -Uyghur Human Rights Project, a US-funded separatist lobbying operation https://t.co/ibr5zDvlJ5
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) March 8, 2020 报说念中的主要音信源:澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI),澳大利亚国防部运营的智库。郑国恩(Adrian Zenz),来自共产主义受害者哀痛基金会的极右季世论者。维吾尔东说念主权略划,好意思国资助的分裂游说组织。
——麦克斯·布鲁门特尔(Max Blumenthal),2020年3月8日
The latest allegations against China appear to form part of a PR blitz seeking to escalate Washington’s new Cold War and regime change efforts against Beijing. 针对中国的最新指控似乎是公关闪电战的一部分,旨在升级华盛顿的新冷战并加快颠覆中国政权。
Shortly following the release of these reports, US Democratic Congressman Jim McGovern announced that he would be introducing a new bill which would ban all US imports from Xinjiang. McGovern is an ardent supporter of the World Uyghur Congress (WUC), a US-backed, far-right regime change network seeking the overthrow of the Chinese government. He even presented WUC President Dolkun Isa with the National Endowment for Democracy’s 2019 Democracy Award. 这些报说念发布后不久,好意思国民主党国会议员麦克格文(McGovern)秘书将提议一项新法案,谢绝好意思国再行疆入口居品。 麦克格文是世界维吾尔代表大会(WUC)的热心支握者,世界维吾尔代表大会是好意思国支握的极右翼政权更替组织,旨在推翻中国政府。麦克格文致使向WUC主席多里坤•艾沙(Dolkun Isa)颁发了好意思国国度民主基金会(National Endowment for Democracy)2019年民主奖。
BREAKING: U.S. Representative McGovern announces Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, which would ***BAN ALL IMPORTS FROM XINJIANG*** to the United States! Bill to be introduced shortly. pic.twitter.com/8alcyghvSu
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) March 6, 2020 快讯:好意思国议员麦克格文秘书《腐败维族强制作事法案》 将谢绝好意思国再行疆入口居品
——郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)2020年3月6日
On March 9, US lawmakers introduced the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, co-sponsored by McGovern and Republican Senator Marco Rubio, which would effectively ban all imports from Xinjiang. The proposed act would codify into US law a “rebuttable presumption” that “assumes that all goods manufactured in Xinjiang are made with forced labor and therefore banned […] unless the commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection certifies otherwise.” The bill also calls for the US President to impose sanctions on “any foreign person” who engages in “forced labor” in Xinjiang. 3月9日,好意思国国会议员提议了由麦克格文(McGovern)和共和党筹商员马可•卢比奥(Marco Rubio)共同发起的《腐败维族强制作事法案》,该法将灵验谢绝总共新疆入口居品。拟议的法案将把“可反驳推定”编入好意思国法律,即“若是新疆坐褥的总共商品王人是将就作事制造的,那么不错谢绝入口……除非好意思国海关及边境保护局专员另有显露。” 该法案还敕令好意思国总统对在新疆从事“将就作事”的“任何番邦东说念主”执行制裁。
Even putatively progressive news outlets have joined the frenzy, with The Nation and Democracy Now! uncritically parroting these studies with no mention of their relations to the US and Western governments and military contractors. Furthermore, both of these media platforms interviewed members of the WUC-affiliated Uyghur Human Rights Project, Mustafa Aksu and Nury Turkel respectively, to comment on this story — again, with no mention or concern for their extensive ties to the US regime-change establishment. 致使连公认的突出性媒体好意思国《国度民族政坛杂志》和《当今民主!》也加入了进来,毫无批判性地复述这些酌量,何况莫得说起它们与好意思国和西方政府以及军事承包商的筹商。此外,这两个媒体平台王人永诀采访了世界维吾尔代表大会(WUC)下属的维吾尔东说念主权略划成员Mustafa Aksu和Nury Turkel来辩驳此事,却仍未说起他们与好意思国政权颠覆组织有着凡俗筹商。
‘Independent’ Australian think tank funded by US, NATO, and weapons manufacturers 由好意思国、北约和兵器制造商资助的“落寞”澳大利亚智库
The three reports relied upon in the recent “forced labor” media coverage are authored by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and Adrian Zenz. While presented by the Western press as impartial, expert assessments, a closer look raises serious concerns about the biases and credibility of these “studies.” 最近的“将就作事”媒体报说念中所依赖的三份答复是由澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)、好意思国国际策略酌量中心(CSIS)和郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)撰写的。 西方媒体以为这是自制的、巨匠级的评估,但真切阅读会引起东说念主们对这些“酌量”的偏见和果真度的严重关注。
On March 1, ASPI published a policy brief, titled “Uyghurs for sale: ‘Re-education,’ forced labour and surveillance beyond Xinjiang.” The paper triggered the renewed round of Western media accusations against China. 3月1日,澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)发布了一份政策简报,标题为“待售的维族东说念主:新疆外的'再老师'、强制作事和监视”。 该文献激发了西方媒体对中国的新一轮指控。
While ASPI describes itself as a “an independent, non-partisan think tank” — a characterization that has been parroted by the Western press — it is, in fact, a right-wing, militaristic outfit that was founded by the Australian government in 2001 and is funded by the country’s Department of Defence. 诚然澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)称我方为“一个落寞的,无党派的智库”(这一特征已被西方媒体认同),但履行上,它是澳大利亚政府于2001年配置的右翼军国主义组织,由该国国防部资助。
ASPI is sponsored by a host of weapons manufacturers, including Raytheon Australia, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, MBDA Missile Systems, Saab AB, Thales, and Austalia. 澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)由许多兵器制造商辅助,其中包括澳大利亚的雷神公司、洛克希德•马丁公司、诺斯罗普•格鲁曼公司、MBDA导弹系统公司、萨博公司、泰雷兹公司和Austalia公司。
Ironically, Australia’s Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme — enacted by the center-right Liberal Party to monitor alleged threat of “Chinese political interference” in the country — has revealed ASPI’s extensive sources of foreign funding, including the US State Department, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), government of Japan, and NATO. 调侃的是,由中右翼解放党执行、旨在监测所谓“中国政事烦嚣”对该国威胁的澳大利亚《番邦影响力透明度经营法案》,揭示了澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)凡俗的番邦资金来源,包括好意思国国务院、英国际交部(FCO)、日本政府和北约。
ASPI blasted for being US lackey, promoting new Cold War with China 澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)因成为好意思国走狗而威风扫地,并鼓动与中国的新冷战
A recent profile of ASPI in the Australian Financial Review notes that the organization has “been accused of fomenting anti-China hysteria, to the alleged benefit of its benefactors.” ASPI has been so bellicose it has come in for criticism from major figures in Australian foreign policy circles. 《澳大利亚金融辩驳报》最近报说念中指出,澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)“被指控挑动反华情谊,让辅助者受益”。 ASPI如斯好斗,受到了澳大利亚打法政策界主要东说念主物的品评。
色哥网Former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr has slammed ASPI for pushing a “one-sided, pro-American view of the world”, while the former Australian ambassador to China Geoff Raby added that ASPI is “the architect of the China threat theory in Australia”. 澳大利亚前打法部长鲍勃•卡尔(Bob Carr)曾抨击澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)鼓动“片面的,亲好意思的世界不雅”,而前澳大利亚驻华大使杰夫•拉比(Geoff Raby)则补充说,ASPI是“澳大利亚中国威胁论的想象师”。
Australian Senator Kim Carr of the Labour Party has echoed the criticism of ASPI, condemning the think tank for seeking to “promote a new cold war with China” in collaboration with the US. In a February 2020 parliamentary session, Carr warned that “[i]n parts of the [Australian] defence and security establishment, there are hawks intent on fighting a new cold war” with China, highlighting ASPI’s extensive funding from the US State Department’s Global Engagement Center, headed by former CIA officer and Navy fighter pilot Lea Gabrielle. 澳大利亚工党筹商员金•卡尔(Kim Carr)回话了对澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)的品评,责难军师团为寻求与好意思国相助“促进与中国的新冷战”。 在2020年2月的国会会议上,卡尔劝诫说:“澳大利亚国防与安全机构中存在着想和中国打新冷战的鹰派东说念主士”,他强调澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)从好意思国国务院全球事务部获取巨额资金,该事务部由好意思国中央谍报局前官员和舟师战斗机遨游员Lea Gabrielle教导。
Carr said ASPI has received nearly $450,000 in funding from the US State Department for the 2019 to 2020 financial year. (ASPI claims that the amount is “less than half” of the figure stated by Carr.) 卡尔示意hongkongdoll sex,澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)已在2019年至2020财政年度从好意思国国务院获取了近45万好意思元的资金。 (ASPI宣称该金额“不到卡尔所说数字的一半。”)
Shocking scenes. On floor of Australian Senate, @SenKimCarr attacks @ASPI_org, @alexjoske and the ASPI China Defence Universities Tracker, claiming ASPI is an agent of US influence and cannot be trusted in its work studying CCP influence pic.twitter.com/707Duz1DTf
— Drew Pavlou (@DrewPavlou) February 11, 2020 胆怯一幕。澳大利亚筹商员金•卡尔(Kim Carr)抨击ASPI,称其受好意思国影响,对中共的酌量不及为信。
——德鲁·帕夫洛(DrewPavlou) ,2020年2月11日
These criticisms of ASPI appear to be well founded. Since 2012, ASPI has been headed by Peter Jennings, a former Australian Department of Defense official. Jennings is an ardent advocate of US imperialism who has staunchly defended the Iraq War, supported regime change in Syria, and pointed to Ukraine and Iraq to argue that “the West is setting the bar for a military response too high.” 这些对澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)的品评似乎是有根据的。自2012年以来,澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)由澳大利亚国防部前官员彼得•詹宁斯(Peter Jennings)教导。詹宁斯是好意思帝国主义的热心拥护者,曾坚强地支握伊拉克宣战和叙利亚的政权更替,并与乌克兰和伊拉克争辩“西方为军事回话设定了过高的挨次”。
Jennings believes that “the rise of Leninist autocracies” threaten Australia and global peace, applying the label to China and North Korea, and, bafflingly, Russia and Iran. He is an ardent advocate of expanding and making “bulletproof” Australia’s military alliance with the US and “letting the Beijing Bully know this is our neighbourhood”, including expanding joint naval presence in the Indian Ocean. 彼得•詹宁斯(Peter Jennings)以为,“列宁主义专制政体的兴起”威胁到澳大利亚和全球和平,这一标签相通适用于中国和朝鲜,以及俄罗斯和伊朗。 他热衷于扩大和配置澳大利亚与好意思国的“防弹”军事同盟,并办法“让北京恶霸知说念这是咱们的邻居”,也热衷于扩大在印度洋的和谐舟师队列。
Jennings and ASPI have also pushed for Australia to join Washington’s global campaign to ban Chinese telecom giant Huawei from 5G networks around the world. Australia banned China’s Huawei and ZTE from providing the country with 5G technology in 2018. 彼得•詹宁斯(Peter Jennings)和澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)还敦促澳大利亚加入华盛顿的全球领略,以谢绝中国电信巨头华为参与全球5G集会构建。澳大利亚谢绝中国的华为和中兴在2018年向该国提供5G工夫。
ASPI’s ‘forced labor’ report relies on speculation and sensationalism 澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)的“将就作事”答复依靠投契和挑动
On March 1, ASPI published a policy brief titled “Uyghurs for sale: ‘Re-education,’ forced labour and surveillance beyond Xinjiang.” The report was funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), which oversees Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) the UK equivalent to the National Security Agency, and the Secret Intelligence Services (SIS) commonly known as MI6. 3月1日,澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)发布了一份政策摘抄,标题为“待售的维族东说念主:'再老师'、强制作事和新疆外的监视”。该答复由英国际交部(FCO)资助,该部门认真监督颠倒于国度安全局的英国政府通信总部(GCHQ)和英国巧妙谍报局(SIS)(即人人熟知的军情六处MI6)。
As Mohamed Elmaazi and Max Blumenthal previously reported for The Grayzone, the FCO backs the Integrity Initiative, a propaganda mill which smears left-wing figures across the West, including former UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. “灰色地带”记者穆罕默德·艾尔玛兹(Mohamed Elmaazi)和麦克斯·布鲁门特尔(Max Blumenthal)此前报说念称,英国际交部支握“诚信经营”,后者是一个抹黑西方左翼东说念主物(如前英国工党首脑杰瑞米·科宾Jeremy Corbyn)的宣传经营。
The lead author of the report is ASPI researcher Vicky Xiuzhong Xu, a Chinese-Australian journalist and stand-up comedian, who previously studied at the Harry S. Truman Research Institute in Israel. In her published work, Xu has defended the far-right Falun Gong cult and characterized Chinese-Australians who oppose the US-backed, anti-government protest movement in Hong Kong as “brainwashed” puppets of the Chinese government and violent thugs. 该答复的第一作家是澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)酌量东说念主员、澳籍华侨记者和脱口秀笑剧演员许秀中(Vicky Xiuzhong Xu),她曾在以色列哈里•杜鲁门酌量所(Harry S. Truman Research Institute)学习。 在她发表的作品中,捍卫了极右翼的法轮功邪教,并把反对由好意思国支握的香港反政府抗议领略的澳籍华东说念主描写为被中国政府“洗脑”的傀儡和暴徒。
Opening with the highly suspect claim that China is detaining millions of Uyghur Muslims, the ASPI study contends that China’s “re-education campaign” is “entering a new phase” in which at least 80,000 Uyghurs “are now being forced to work in factories” through a program transferring Uyghur laborers to companies within Xinijang and to other provinces. The factories employing these workers are alleged to be part of the supply chain of 83 major corporations. ASPI以为,中国正在关押数百万维吾尔族穆斯林,这一说功令东说念主高度怀疑。该酌量以为,中国的“再老师领略”正在“插足一个新阶段”,其中至少有80,000维吾尔族东说念主通过一项经营“当今被动在工场处事”。 这一经营将维吾尔族劳能源转动到新疆内和其它省份的公司。据称雇用这些工东说念主的工场是83家大公司供应链的一部分。
The study contends that the Chinese government has implemented the coercive program under the guise of poverty alleviation and generating employment for impoverished sectors of the population. The authors ignore the fact that China’s poverty alleviation efforts are praised by development institutions around the world for lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and presume it to be a phony pretext. 酌量以为,中国政府以扶贫和为繁难东说念主口创造办事为幌子执行了强制性经营。作家们忽略了这么一个事实,即中国的扶贫处事被世界各地的发展机构赞扬,因为它使数亿东说念主开脱了繁难,绝非一个饰词。
While Beijing’s policy in Xinjiang is indisputably focused on combating religious extremism, separatism and political instability — the government openly admits to this — the authors’ claims of a dystopian forced labor regime seem to rely more on sensationalism and speculation than concrete evidence. 尽管北京在新疆的政策无可争议地侧重于打击宗教极点主义,分裂主义和政事涟漪(政府已公开承认这极少),但作家提议的反乌托邦的将就作事体系似乎更多地是基于挑动性和投契行径,而不是具体字据。
For example: 比如:
The authors claim that workers are tightly controlled, with “little freedom of movement” and “isolated from their families.” As evidence, they cite a Chinese-language media report which features a story about a migrant worker from Xinjiang who obtained full-time industrial employment in the urban province of Shandong through the government’s employment program. The woman describes the challenges of working far away from her family in Xinjiang but emphasizes that she has used the program to earn more income and pay for household renovations and new livestock back home. What’s more, the woman states that while she initially wanted work through the program for only one year, she now wants to work for at least three years given the income it allows her to earn, indicating that she is voluntarily choosing to participate in the program for economic benefit. 作家宣称,工东说念主受到严格收敛,“行动解放小”,“与家东说念主率性”。 当作字据,他们援用了华文媒体报说念,申报了一个来悛改疆的工东说念主的故事,该工东说念主通过政府的办事经营在山东省的城市地区获取了一份全员处事。 这位女士描画了隔离新疆的家东说念主所面对的挑战,但强调了她已利用该经营获取了更多收入,并为家庭装修和购置新畜生支付了用度。更枢纽的是,这位女士标明,诚然她率先但愿通过该经营处事仅一年,但鉴于其可不雅的收入,当今她但愿至少处事三年,这标明她自发选拔参加该经营以获取经济利益。
Throughout the report, the authors refer to housing provided for migrant workers as “segregated dormitories.” On the one hand, the authors decry the “segregation” and “isolation” of the Uyghur workers who “speak almost no Mandarin, so communication with locals is largely non-existent,” but denounce Mandarin language classes offered to workers as insidious “political indoctrination.” 在通盘答复中,作家将为新疆工东说念主提供的住房称为“率性寝室”。 一方面,作家责难维吾尔族工东说念主的“率性”和“伶仃”,称他们“险些不会讲普通话,因此与当地东说念主的相易颠倒于不存在”,另一方面,责难向工东说念主提供的普通话谈话课程是狂暴的“政事介意”。
The authors claim that “workers’ ideology and behaviour are closely monitored,” citing the existence of a “psychological consulting” service. 作家宣称由于存在“激情参谋”服务,“工东说念主的念念想和行径受到严实监控”。
The authors searched for “a variety of keywords relating to Xinjiang labour transfers” on the Chinese search engine Baidu and cite the increase in search results over time as indicating the increasing importance of the program to the Chinese government. This would be akin to analyzing US policy based on the volume of Google search results. 作家在中国搜索引擎百度上搜索了“与新疆劳能源转动关联的各式要津词”,并指出搜索效率随时刻的推移而加多,进而标明该经营对中国政府的枢纽性日益加多。这近似于根据Google搜索效率分析好意思国政策。
Ultimately, only two pages and a case study of a single factory are devoted to establishing the case of “forced labor”, with the vast majority of the 56-page report focused on connecting this alleged involuntary program with the major Western corporations and pressuring them to disengage with China. 最终,唯有两页和一个工场的案例酌量用于撑握 “将就作事”的说法,这份长达56页的答复中的绝大部分纠合于将这一所谓的非自发经营与西方主要公司筹商起来,并对其施加压力,从而与中国脱离战争。
ASPI’s ‘forced labor’ report relies on far-right blog of religious fanatics 澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)的“将就作事”答复依赖于极右派的宗教狂热者的博客
The ASPI report presents no original evidence from workers who have been forced to work in this program, but cites anonymous “testimonies” from an obscure, far-right online blog. Called Bitter Winter, the blog is a project of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), an Italy-based organization that opposes what it calls “anti-cult terrorism”. 澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)答复莫得提供任何被动从事此经营的工东说念主的原始字据,但援用了一个不起眼的、极右派的博客中的匿名“证词”。博客名为“隆冬”,是新宗教酌量中心(CESNUR)的一个花式,该组织位于意大利,反对“反邪教恐怖主义”。
Bitter Winter and its parent organization have vigorously defended fanatical Chinese religious movements including Falun Gong and the Church of the Almighty God, or Eastern Lightning. The latter is a Chinese-Christian sect which believes that Jesus Christ has been reincarnated as a Chinese woman currently living in Queens, New York. “隆冬”偏激母组织纵脱捍卫了中国的狂热宗教领略,包括法轮功、万能神训诫(又称东方闪电)。 后者是一个中国基督教派,以为耶稣基督还是投胎为咫尺居住在纽约皇后区的一位中国妇女。
Eastern Lightning is notorious for mass kidnappings, assaults, and murderous violence against perceived “demons” or non-believers, including bludgeoning a woman to death for refusing to give recruiters her phone number in 2014. During the 2019 Israeli elections, Buzzfeed reported that Twitter suspended dozens of Hebrew-language accounts run by the cult for “amplifying political messages for right-wing [Israeli] politicians.” 东方闪电以大鸿沟欺骗、殴打和针对感知到的“恶魔”或非信徒的谋杀暴力而恶名昭著,包括在2014年杀害别称拒却向招聘东说念主员提供电话号码的妇女。在2019年以色列大选时间,好意思国新闻网站Buzzfeed报说念出Twitter暂停了由该邪教运营的数十个希伯来语帐户,这些账户用于“为右翼[以色列]政事家扩散政事信息。”
CESNUR has also taken up the cause of the Japanese doomsday cult, Aum Shinrikyo which was responsible for the 1995 Tokyo sarin gas attack. CESNUR board member J. Gordon Melton was paid by Aum Shinrikyo to travel to Japan to document alleged human rights violations against the group. 新宗教酌量中心(CESNUR)还承担了日本末日邪教奥姆真谛教的功绩,该组织是1995年东京沙林毒气伏击的罪魁首恶。CEUMUR董事会成员约翰·高登·梅尔敦(J. Gordon Melton)由奥姆真谛教出资前去日本,以显露该团体东说念主权受到侵略。
CESNUR founder, Massimo Introvigne, is the editor-in-chief of Bitter Winter. Introvigne is an ultra-conservative religious zealot who contends that Christians are “the most persecuted group in the world” due to abortion, gay marriage, and hate speech laws which he contends supress their religious freedom. CESNUR的创举东说念主马西莫.英特罗(Massimo Introvigne)是“隆冬”的主编。他是一个极点保守的宗教狂热者,以为基督徒因人工流产、同性恋婚配和仇恨言论法而成为“世界上最受糟蹋的群体”,他办法谢绝宗教信仰解放。
Introvigne considers communism to be an existential threat to religion, writing that “[n]egotiating with Beijing is like the proverbial supping with the Devil.” Introvigne regularly appears in videos produced by Church of the Almighty God/Eastern Lightning advocating on their behalf and claiming the cult is the victim of “propaganda” and “fake news”. 马西莫.英特罗(Massimo Introvigne)以为共产主义是对宗教的活命威胁,他写说念:“与北京进行谈判如同与妖怪共进晚餐”。 他平日出当今万能神训诫/东方闪电制作的视频中,代表他们倡议并宣称该邪教组织是“宣传”和“假新闻”的受害者。
Introvigne has deep roots in the religious far-right, and was a long-time member and former vice president of the Italian organization Alleanza Cattolica, participating in the group from 1972 until 2016. During his time with the organization, Alleanza Cattolica advocated for Chilean military dictator Augusto Pinochet to be released following his arrest in the UK; denounced the progressive World Social Forum as a “laboratory for subversion”; and endorsed the Northern League, a far-right, anti-immigrant, Islamophobic political party, in Italian elections. 马西莫.英特罗(Massimo Introvigne)根植于极右翼的宗教,是意大利组织Alleanza Cattolica的永久会员和前副主席,从1972年到2016年一直活跃在该组织。他在组织时间,Alleanza Cattolica倡议开释被捕于英国的智利军事独裁者奥古斯托•皮诺切特(Augusto Pinochet); 责难突出的世界社会论坛为“颠覆实验室”;并在意大利大选中认同了朔方定约,一个极右翼的、反外侨的、仇视伊斯兰教的政党。
The “director-in-charge” of Bitter Winter is Marco Respinti, a far-right Christian conservative who describes his work as “devoted to serve and protect the Western heritage of life, liberties, and property” and working towards a society of “limited government, free enterprise, natural family, and traditional moral values.” Respinti is a Senior fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal and a founding member of the Center for European Renewal, two ardently conservative organizations, and editor-in-chief of the anti-gay, anti-choice publication International Family News. “隆冬”的“认真东说念主”是马可•雷斯平提(Marco Respinti),他是极右翼的基督教保守派,将我方的处事描画为“用功于于服务和保护西方对于生命,解放和财产的传统”,并用功于于配置一个“ 有限的政府,解放的企业,当然的家庭和传统的说念德价值不雅。” 马可•雷斯平提(Marco Respinti)是拉塞尔•柯克文化复兴中心的高档酌量员,是欧洲复兴中心(两个相等犀利的保守组织)的创举成员,亦然反同性恋,反选拔出书物《国际家庭新闻》(International Family News)的主编。
Australian media stifle criticism of ASPI report, manipulate interview subjects 澳大利亚媒体阻难对澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)答复的品评,主管采访对象
As they push forward with their anti-China frenzy, Western media outlets are not concerned with the serious issues related to the biases and credibility of the ASPI report, in fact, they seem intent on stifling any criticism of their narrative. 西方媒体在鼓动反华怒潮的经过中,并不热心与ASPI答复推崇出的与偏见和果真度关联的严重问题,履行上,他们似乎迥殊祛除对其叙述的任何品评。
Shortly following the release of the report, the state-run Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) aired a profile of lead author, Vicky Xiuzhong Xu, as part of their “Australian Story” documentary series. According to Ye Xue, a Chinese-Australian PhD student at the University of Sydney, who was an interviewee on the program, the broadcaster pushed him to “praise Vicky’s research on Xinjiang” and made it clear “that they [did] not need my negative comments” or to hear that he disagreed with Xu. 答复发布后不久,国营的澳大利亚播送公司(ABC)播出了第一作家许秀中的简介,当作其“澳大利亚故事”记录片系列的一部分。 据该节办法受访者、悉尼大学澳籍华东说念主博士生Ye Xue说,播送公司敦促他“赞扬许秀中对新疆的酌量”,并明确示意“他们[不需要] 我的负面辩驳”或听到任何他不首肯许的言论。
I was an interviewee on @AustralianStory. The interviewer signaled me that they not need my negative comments on Vicky Xu, even they are valid and the interviewer tried to push me to praise Vicky’s research on Xinjiang.
— Ye Xue (@XueYe90) March 10, 2020 我是澳洲故事的受访者。采访我的东说念主说不想听到对许秀中的负面评价,只想我赞扬她的涉疆酌量。
——Ye Xue ,2020年3月10日
The silencing of alternative viewpoints on China appears to be part of a larger trend within Australian media. Michael, a Chinese Muslim who lives in Australia and requested anonymity to protect himself from reprisal by his employer, told The Grayzone that Australian media outlets often attempt to manipulate Chinese-Australians into echoing the official narrative on China. 对中国握有的另类不雅点似乎很大趋势上在澳大利亚媒体中保握了千里默。 迈克尔(Michael),居住在澳大利亚的中国穆斯林,条目匿名以保护我方免受老板的谬误。他对“灰色地带”说,澳大利亚媒体平日试图主管澳籍华侨赞许澳大利亚官方对中国的申报。
“SBS, a television network funded by the [Australian] government called me for an interview on Chinese Muslims in Australia,” Michael told The Grayzone. “When I didn’t tell her what she wanted, she asked me if my family was held hostage, in danger or being coerced.” 迈克尔(Michael)对“灰色地带”说:“由澳大利亚政府资助的电视台SBS打电话给我,想对在澳大利亚的中国穆斯林进行采访。” “当我莫得说出她想听的效率时,她问我家东说念主是否被扣为东说念主质,处于危急之中或被威迫。”
“She wanted me to confirm her narrative that the Chinese government had operatives following me and were actively suppressing me in Australia,” continued Michael. “Anyway, she never called back.” 迈克尔(Michael)络续说说念:“她但愿我阐述她的说法,即中国政府有特工陪伴我,并在澳大利亚积极弹压我。”, “非论怎么,她之后再也莫得回过电话。”
“There are more Chinese-Australians who’ve had similar experiences. They seem to cast a wide net and hope to get someone like Vicky Xu who will just confirm all their narratives.” “还有好多资格过近似事件的澳籍华东说念主。 他们似乎投下了稠密的集会,但愿找到像许秀中这么的东说念主来阐述他们的叙述。”
Far-right Christian fundamentalist publishes ‘forced labor’ report in NATO publication 极右翼的基督教原教旨主义者在北约出书物中发表“将就作事”答复
The ASPI report followed two earlier studies. The first was authored by Adrian Zenz, senior fellow in China studies at the far-right Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, which was established by the US government in 1983. 澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)的答复效能了之前的两项酌量。 第一篇是由极右翼的共产主义受害者哀痛基金会中国酌量高档酌量员郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)撰写的,该基金会是好意思国政府于1983年配置的。
As Max Blumenthal and I previously reported for The Grayzone, Zenz is a far-right fundamentalist Christian who opposes homosexuality and gender equality, supports “scriptural spanking” of children, and believes he is “led by God” on a “mission” against China. Zenz is one of the main sources behind the claim that China is detaining millions of Uyghur Muslims, and he has been promoted as the “leading expert” on Xinjiang by Western media because of the damning claims he makes against the Chinese government. 正如麦克斯·布鲁门特尔(Max Blumenthal)和我之前在“灰色地带”(The Grayzone)上所报说念的那样,郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)是位极右翼的原教旨主义基督教徒,他反对同性恋和性别对等,支握圣经式的儿童体罚,并以为“神授予了他反华职责”。他是“中国关押了数百万维吾尔族穆斯林”的说法的主要来源之一,由于他对中国政府的责难性言论,他被西方媒体宝贵为 “驰名涉疆巨匠”。
However, a closer look at Zenz’s work reveals that he relies on extremely shoddy evidence and methodologies, including basing his detention estimate on a lone media report by an extremist television network that regularly hosts fanatical anti-Semites who describe China as “a nation of savages, worse than the Jews” and call for “armed jihad” against the country. 仔细阅读郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)的酌量就会发现,他应用的挨次论苟简豪迈,包括根据极点主义电视台的一个单独的媒体报说念来作念出对中国关押维吾尔族穆斯林的评估,该电视台依期招待狂热的反犹太东说念主,他们将中国描画为“一个冷酷的民族” 、“比犹太东说念主还差”,并敕令对国度进行“武装圣战”。
In December 2019, Zenz published a new “study” titled “Beyond the Camps: Beijing’s Long-Term Scheme of Coercive Labor, Poverty Alleviation and Social Control in Xinjiang”, in which he accuses China of implementing a forced “wage-labor” regime against Uyghurs as the “next step” in Beijing’s “grand scheme” against the ethnic minority. Zenz calls for a “strong response” from the international community, including the divestment of Western and other foreign companies from China. 2019年12月,郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)发表了新的“酌量答复”,题为“拘留营除外:北京在新疆的永久将就作事、扶贫和社会收敛经营”,他谴责中国对维吾尔族执行了强制性的“工资作事”轨制,是北京针对少数民族“大经营”的“下一步”。 他敕令国际社会作出“强烈响应”,包括从中国撤资西方公司和其它番邦公司。
However, as with his previous work, Zenz’s latest report is riddled with speculation, sensationalism, and incoherence. Zenz begins his article with the contention that this nefarious, coercive program is “being implemented under the […] guise of ‘poverty alleviation’” through higher-income work, only to later admit that the program, in fact, “achieve[s] national poverty reduction goals” and “promote[s] economic growth.” 但是,和往常一样,郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)的最新答复充满了投契性、挑动性和不连贯性。他在著作着手就提议了这么一个办法,即这个阴毒的强制性花式是“在‘扶贫’的幌子下通过高收入的处事执行的”,自后才承认该花式履行上“达到了国度减贫方针”,何况“促进了经济增长”。
Zenz maligns what he calls the Chinese government’s aims to ensure “poor households … have at least one person in stable employment” and promote full-time, paid employment. He argues that since China’s poverty alleviation efforts are “all-encompassing and involves literally every single citizen” it must necessarily be forced because he speculates that “not everyone will want to be part of this rigid plan.” 郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)责难中国政府的方针,即确保“繁难家庭至少有一个雄伟办事的东说念主”并促进全职有偿办事。他辩称,由于中国的扶贫处事“包罗万象,险些每个公民王人参与其中”,因此势必存在被动,因为他猜想“并非每个东说念主王人但愿成为这一严格经营的一部分”。
Zenz claims that the Chinese government aims to force every Uyghur and ethnic minority adult into slave labor and eliminate traditional rural livelihoods and culture. To support his incendiary claim, he cites a mundane municipal government document that calls for achieving poverty alleviation goals through vocational training and employment programs, as well as initiatives like “environmental protection programs,” “subsidies in monetary form or animals” for farmers, and “support [for] small-scale self-employment” or small businesses. 郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)宣称,中国政府旨在迫使每个维吾尔族和少数民族成年东说念主从事奴隶作事,放置传统的农村生计和文化。为了支握他的挑动性言论,他援用了市政府的一项普通文献,该文献敕令通过职业培训和办事经营以及诸如“环境保护经营”,“对农民以货币或畜生的形式补贴”和“为袖珍个体户或袖珍企业提供支握”等倡议来兑现扶贫方针。
Zenz’s characterization of the Chinese government’s programs for public childcare and educational services for the children of workers offers a revealing look at the propagandistic nature of his claims: 郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)对中国政府为工东说念主子女提供的群众托儿和老师服务经营的描画,揭示了他办法的宣传骨子:
“While the parents are being herded into full-time work, their children are put into full-time (at least full day-time) education and training settings. This includes children below preschool age (infants and toddlers), so that ethnic minority women are being ‘liberated’ and ‘freed’ to engage in full-time wage labor. Notably, both factory and educational settings are essentially state-controlled environments that facilitate ongoing political indoctrination while barring religious practices. As a result, the dissolution of traditional, religious and family life is only a matter of time.” “当父母被安排从事全员处事时,他们的孩子将接纳全日制(至少是全白昼制)老师和培训。 其中包括学龄前以下的儿童(婴儿和学步儿童),使少数民族妇女得到“解放”并“解放”从事全职有偿作事。但值得驻扎的是,工场环境和老师环境骨子上王人是国度收敛的环境,在促进政事介意的同期,谢绝了宗教行径。 最终,传统、宗教和家庭生活的瓦解仅仅时刻的问题。”
Zenz describes full-time employment and childcare services as “inhibit[ing] intergenerational cultural transmission” and promoting “intergenerational separation and social control over family unity”. Citing a Chinese media report in which a mother describes how the childcare services “solved my problem, now there are people who take care of my children, I can in peace go to work … very convenient,” Zenz denounces this as a “shocking example of this ‘liberation’ of women from their children”. 郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)将全职办事和托儿服务描画为“扼制代际文化传播”,并促进“代际分离和对家庭团体的社会收敛”。他征引中国媒体报说念,一位母亲描画了托儿服务怎么“责罚了我的问题,当今有东说念主照顾我的孩子,我不错省心上班……相等绵薄。” 他责难这是妇女从子女中“解放”的“令东说念主胆怯的例子”。
A screen capture of a Chinese media report that Zenz includes in his study to illustrate the apparent horrors of childcare. 郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)答复中的中国媒体报说念截图
Unsurprisingly, Zenz’s flimsy research on “forced labor” has not been published in a reputable academic journal, but rather “The Journal of Political Risk,” a publication headed by former NATO and US national security state operatives. 料到之中的是,郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)对“将就作事”的脆弱酌量并未在盛名的学术期刊上发表,而是在《政事风险杂志》上发表,该出书物由前北约和好意思国国度安寰宇度特工教导。
The publication was founded by Anders Corr, whose bio describes him as “having worked for several consultancies and government agencies, including Booz Allen Hamilton, United States Army, United States Pacific Command (USPACOM), United States Special Operations Command Pacific (USSOCPAC), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), and the North American Treaty Organization (NATO).” 该出书物由安德斯•科尔(Anders Corr)创立,他的列传称他“曾在多家参谋公司和政府机构处事,包括布兹•艾伦•汉密尔顿(Booz Allen Hamilton)、好意思国陆军、好意思国太平洋司令部(USPACOM)、好意思国太平洋特种作战司令部(USSOCPAC)、 好意思国国防谍报局(DIA)、好意思国国防威胁裁减局(DTRA)和北好意思公约组织(NATO)。”
The editor of the publication is Neil Siviter, who “previously worked as a Junior Professional Fellow at the NATO Association of Canada,” and “has also held various internship positions with the Canadian Government [and] U.S. Consulate General Toronto.” 该出书物的裁剪是尼尔•西维特(Neil Siviter),他“往常曾是加拿大败约协会的低级专科酌量员”,何况“还曾在加拿大政府[和]好意思国驻多伦多总领事馆担任过各式实习职位。”
US militaristic think tank recycles shoddy research in ‘forced labor’ report 好意思国军方军师团回收了“将就作事”答复中的伪劣酌量
The final study accusing China of implementing “forced labor” programs against Uyghur Muslims was a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) entitled, “Connecting the Dots in Xinjiang: Forced Labor, Forced Assimilation, and Western Supply Chains”. 临了一项指控中国执行针对维吾尔族穆斯林的‘将就作事’经营的酌量是好意思国国际策略酌量中心(CSIS)的一份名为“贯穿新疆各点:将就作事,将就同化和西方供应链”的答复。
Like ASPI, CSIS is a militaristic think tank funded by the US government and a host of military allies including the UK, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Germany, Italy, and the EU. CSIS also receives significant funding from a number of weapons manufacturers, fossil fuel corporations, and banks. 像澳大利亚策略政策酌量所(ASPI)一样,好意思国国际策略酌量中心(CSIS)是由好意思国政府和许多军事盟友资助的军事智库,这些军事盟友包括英国、日本、台湾、韩国、阿拉伯和谐酋长国、加拿大、澳大利亚、土耳其、德国、意大利和欧盟。CSIS还从一些兵器制造商、化石燃料公司和银行获取了巨额资金。
In April 2019, Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal exposed a secret meeting hosted by CSIS, where US and Latin American officials discussed a possible military invasion of Venezuela. That November, The Grayzone’s Ben Norton reported that CSIS hosted a US congressional panel which outlined the next phase of Washington’s dirty war against Syria, including plans to occupy Syrian oil fields and block reconstruction of the country. 2019年4月,“灰色地带”裁剪麦克斯·布鲁门特尔(Max Blumenthal)揭露了由好意思国国际策略酌量中心(CSIS)主握的巧妙会议,好意思国和拉丁好意思洲官员在会上谋划了可能对委内瑞拉进行军事入侵。 同庚11月,“灰色地带”的本•诺顿(Ben Norton)报说念说,CSIS主握了一个好意思国国会小组会议,概括了华盛顿对叙利亚的污秽宣战的下一阶段,包括占领叙利亚油田和阻拦该国重建的经营。
In its “forced labor” report, CSIS offers little to no new information, relying instead on the work of Adrian Zenz and undisclosed interviews with anonymous “detainees who were forced to work.” 好意思国国际策略酌量中心(CSIS)在其“将就作事”的答复中险些莫得提供任何新信息,而是依赖于郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)的处事以及对匿名“被动处事的被关押者”的未公开拓访。
While the Western public encounters stories about alleged “forced labor” as shocking journalistic exposés, they are, in fact, the direct product of an orchestrated PR campaign backed by US and EU governments, NATO, and arms manufacturers – all of which stand to benefit handsomely from the intensification of a new Cold War. 尽管所谓的令东说念主胆怯的“将就作事”的新闻已被西方公众剖判,但履行上,这些被曝光的故事不外是好意思国政府、欧盟政府、北约和兵器制造商全心策划的公关行径hongkongdoll sex,一场激化的‘新冷战’会让他们从中获益。