抖音风 反差 奥斯卡也有红运战衣 这样穿的女演员都拿奖了
星光美丽的奥斯卡从来都不仅是一场演技的加冕,更是一年一度的前锋飨宴,女明星们频频都盛装出席抖音风 反差,争妍斗艳。不外,出征奥斯卡的战衣可不是璷黫穿的。前锋杂志《Cosmopolitan》发现,从款式到面料、从项目到材质,奥斯卡奖女性得主的征服似乎有一些共同特征。于是,他们追思了一套最有契机获奖的穿戴公式,神话历届拿奖的女演员真的都是这样穿的。
The process of deciding on an outfit for the Oscars normally begins months in advance of the highly anticipated Hollywood awards ceremony. 一般来说,在万众瞩倡导奥斯卡授奖礼运转前的几个月,挑选征服的经过就照旧运转了。
But if any nominated actresses have left their outfits for Sunday's ceremony to the last minute, they may wish to take note of this advice. 然则,如若有提名女演员直到授奖礼前的临了一刻才接管征服,那么她们可能需要在意以下淡漠。
Fashion experts at Cosmopolitan claim to have calculated the winning formula for what hopefuls should wear to be in with the best chance of winning an Academy Award. 《Cosmopolitan》杂志的前锋大师们称,他们为提名者们蓄意出一套最有契机获奖的穿戴公式。
Charles Manning, style director at the magazine, analysed the dresses of the past 30 years of female Oscar winners to work out the common features of their outfits. 该杂志前锋总监查尔斯•曼宁分析了当年30年里奥斯卡奖女性获奖者的征服,得出了一些共同特征。
Taking into account ten different aspects of style - including color, neckline and train - he said the luckiest dress would have 'a shiny or sparkly opaque black sheath dress with a train, worn without a belt or a wrap'.
Stunning: The winning design includes a train, pictured right on Renee Zellweger in 2004, is sleeveless and has a V-neck, as pictured left on Lupita Nyong'o in 2014
In case nominees do not have time to find a dress with all the key characteristics, he identified a dress from the spring 2015 Armani Privé couture collection that would fit the bill. 他从Armani Privé 2015春季时装系列中选出了一条合适条款的征服抖音风 反差,以防提名者没随机间去找一件领有所干系键特征的裙子。
Black was found to be the most popular dress color or shade. It was worn by around a third of Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress winners - including Julia Roberts when she was awarded best actress for Erin Brockovich in 2001.
Details: It is also black and opaque, pictured right on Julia Roberts in 2001, and either shiny or sparkly, pictured left on Reese Witherspoon in 2006
The sheath won the battle for best silhouette after it was worn by 60 percent of winning women. 紧身连衣裙当选最好详细项目,有60%的获奖女性穿的都是紧身裙。
The V-neck, as modeled by Reese Witherspoon in vintage Chanel in 2006, was found to be the most common neckline. 商讨发现,V字领是最常见的领口款式,正如瑞茜•威瑟斯彭2006年穿戴的香奈儿维合手征服那样。
Winning actresses historically go for bare arms in sleeveless dresses such as Lupita Nyong’o's 2014 Prada outfit, while favorite fabrics were either shiny or sparkly.
Timeless: Sleeveless was a popular choice - as demonstrated left to right by Kate Winslet and Penelope Cruz in 2009 and Cher in 1988
Although the analysis noted that sheer has been a consistent trend over the last few years - not when it comes to Oscar-winning dresses. 尽管,分析指出,在当年几年里透视征服成为一种趋势,然则“奥斯卡赢家征服”却并非如斯。
Only 18 percent of winners - including Cher in 1988 - went for sheer with most opting for opaque gowns.
Striking: Julianne Moore, left, went strapless in 2015, followed by Alicia Vikander, center, last year. Meanwhile Meryl Streep, right, wore gold in 2012
When it comes to a train, actresses were split almost down the middle: 53 percent, including Renee Zellweger in 2004, went for one, while 47 percent followed Anne Hathaway's lead by going without.
Making shapes: The sheath silhouette, modeled center by Anne Hathaway, was also popular but Jennifer Lawrence, pictured left in 2013, went for a ballgown
Brie Larsen wore a belt with her Gucci dress at last year's Oscars but the research claims that generally Oscar-winning actresses do not. Only 15 percent of winners have worn one. 2016年,布里•拉尔森为她的古琦征服搭配了一条腰带,但商讨称奥斯卡获奖女演员一般不会这样作念。惟有15%的获奖者带过腰带。
Embellishment also divided actresses in half - with winners split 50-50 - while wraps were shunned by the vast majority of winners.
Winning women: Hilary Swank, left in 2005, and Jennifer Connelly, center, bucked the trend with sleeves and scarves while Hilary fitted the formula in 2000 by going shiny
fit the bill: 合适条款 sheath: 紧身连衣裙 silhouette:(事物的)步地 train: 拖裾,裙裾(长征服的曳地部分)
英文源流:逐日邮报 翻译&剪辑:董静 审校:yaning抖音风 反差